alex flowers game designer creating immersive and charming experiences

I'm a hybrid Game Designer and Programmer, all about crafting innovative gameplay and memorable narratives. Having an adaptable skillset has allowed me to work in a variety of roles while developing games, not to mention collaborate with teams of artists, designers, and engineers alike. Since 2016, I've participated in dozens of game jams, earning awards and prize money along the way.

My current routine at work involves creating tools and generative art using creative coding. Meanwhile, I am also developing new projects, expanding my knowledge and embracing new challenges. My latest goal is to find a job that values my abilities, working with a team to create superb games for diverse audiences.

On my free time, I’m usually doing some vegan cooking, hanging out with the humans and cats that share a house with me, or doing some online farming at Stardew Valley.

JUL 2024 – FEB 2025 7 months Creative Coder @ Tekne Creating tools and generative art using JavaScript (p5.js, Tweakpane, Paper.js). Creating games using Roblox Studio. JavaScriptp5.jsSvelteRoblox StudioLua
JAN 2024 – DEC 2024 1 year Coding Teacher @ Code4All Coding and robotics classes for children, teenagers and adults. Part of these classes were administered in English, at EARJ. GDevelopJavaScriptp5.jsLEGO WeDo 2.0
JUL 2020 – JUL 2024 4 years Indie Game Developer Developing videogames in many engines to explore their potential, implementing various gameplay mechanics. Game DesignUnityC#Constructp5.jsJavaScriptProcessingJava
APR 2021 – DEC 2022 1 year and 8 months Lab Lead @ LIFE Responsible for assisting teachers in classes for design students on creative coding and Arduino. Management and improvement of the laboratory’s website. p5.jsJavaScriptProcessingJavaArduinoC++HTMLCSSFTP

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Dragão Chorão Puzzle game made in two days for a Game Jam. Cooperate with yourself to save the village! Project awarded with a cash prize. Second Place Award Game DesignConstruct
Gentle Frost RPG made in two weeks for a Game Jam. Explore the village, collect items, and help your neighbors prepare the winter festival. UnityC#Game Design
LoveTrack Visual novel demo made for a college class. Using face-tracking technology, the characters react to your expressions. p5.jsclmtrackrUI Design
Alientique Puzzle game made in 3 days for a Game Jam. Solve puzzles, decipher an alien language, and fix antique alien objects! Game DesignConstructUI Design
soumos Narrative game made as my thesis project at college. Follow Kaiki in their life as a DID system, facing struggles and joy. Game DesignConstructNarrative

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